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Mark Adams
сообщение 16.4.2007, 4:25
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Может ли кто-нибудь поделиться информацией. Какие напитки употреблялись в интересующий нас период: - алкогольные; - не-алкогольные; - горячие на основе алкогольных ингредиентов; - горячие на основе безалкогольных ингредиентов? PS Меня лично больше интересуют безалкогольные напитки.

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сообщение 16.4.2007, 10:43
Сообщение #2


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г.Троицк, Красная Пахра, Москва.
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Рота Св.Фомы

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вот неплохая статья по безалкогольным напиткам

Sage Water[4] was also a popular choice. Soaking the sage in a pitcher of water over night. Once the sage is saturated it should be able to flavor other pitchers of water in about an hour. "To make a cask of sage-flavored liquid, take 2 lbs sage, clip off the stems and put leaves in the cask...." This provides a very refreshing beverage to cleanse the palette between courses at a feast.

Шалфеевая вода. Замочите шалфей на ночь в воде.Чтобы приготовить боченок шалфеевой воды - возьмите 2 фунта шалфея, оторвите листья от стебля и положите на дно бочки. У вас получится
освежающий напиток, способный очистить вкус между сменами блюд.

[4] "A Medieval Home Companion" translated and edited by Tania Bayard. It is a translation of a 15c translation of a 14c treatise by an elderly Parisian merchant to his 15 year old bride on housewifery.

Granatus[5] was and still is a very popular beverage. This is modernly and mundanely known as Grenadine. It is essentially a thick, sweet, pomegranate syrup. In period, this is primarily an Arabic beverage, but could be found in eastern Europe by the end of our period. The Pomegranates are pressed and reduced to a syrup, and kept unrefrigerated for months before use. To serve it, dilute with hot or cold water with one part sugar, or mix in a variety of other beverages.

Гранатус. Известен сейчас как Гренадин.Сладкий, густой гранатовый сироп.Приемущественно арабский напиток, но так же известен на востоке Европы.Из гранатов выдавливали сок и оставляли в неохлаждаемом месте на месяцы перед использовагнием. Для приготовления - смешайте с горячей или холодной водой и сахаром, а так же можно с другими напитками.
( Остается непонятным как сироп умудрялся не портиться в течении месяцев)
[5] 'Libre de Diversis Medicinis' c1400 CE & An Anonymous Andalusian Cookbook (Manuscrito Anonimo) of the 13th Century

Clarea of Water[7] was essentially spiced honey water. The spices would depend on what was local and on hand, but they would be added to water and honey and boiled. The mixture would then be cooled and served with the meal.

Медовая вода со специями.Специи зависят от региона. Прокипятить воду со специями и медом - охладить - подавать к еде.
[7] Libro de Guisados - 13th c.

Rose Soda (Water) and Lavendar Drink[8] were common among refined ladies of the middle ages. This was usually petals of the flowers soaked in a mixture of very sweet water. While thought to be a medicine, it found popularity at the dinner table and was thought to sooth a well fed belly.

Розовая содовая вода и лавандовая вода была популярна среди дам высшего сословия.Лепестки и цветки замачивали в очень сладкой воде. Ранее известна была как медицинское средство, но приобрела популярность как аперитив за едой как средство для пищеварения.
[8] 'Libre de Diversis Medicinis' – c1400

Cold Almond Milk[9] was used in England in the latter part of the period. While the original recipe contained wine, references have been found that show it was also made with vinegar or grenadine for a completely non-alcoholic refreshment.
Миндальное молоко.Этот рецепт уже набил оскомину кажетсяsmile.gif
[9] An Ordinance Of Pottage – 15th c

Next is lemon drink[11]. It was essentially lemonade. The sweetener was usually honey, but the rest is just water and lemons. It was enjoyed in later period and was a refreshing beverage generally enjoyed before a meal to get the stomach acids going.

Лемонад.Для подслащения использовали мед.В поздний период пили перед едой для вызывания желудочных соков.
( От себя посоветую настоять лимонную воду на специях - очень вкусно!)
[11] Andalusian p. 279 – 13th c.

Rose Soda / Lavender Drink

Adapted from _The 'Libre de Diversis Medicinis' in the Thornton Manuscript (MS. Lincoln Cathedral, A.5.2)_. Edited by Margaret Sinclair Ogden. Published for the Early English Text Society by Humphrey Milford, Oxford University Press. Amen House, E.C. 4. England. 1938. Text circa early 1400 CE.

1 part rose/lavender petals

2 parts water

2 parts sugar/honey

Soak a number of petals in a pitcher of water holding twice as much water as petals for one night. Press, but not squeeze, the water from the petals and reuse them as needed. Mix into the water enough honey or sugar as to taste, and serve cold.

Syrup of Pomegranate

Adapted from _The 'Libre de Diversis Medicinis' in the Thornton Manuscript (MS. Lincoln Cathedral, A.5.2)_. Edited by Margaret Sinclair Ogden. Published for the Early English Text Society by Humphrey Milford, Oxford University Press. Amen House, E.C. 4. England. 1938. Text circa early 1400 CE.

Syrup of Pomegranate - Take a ratl of sour pomegranates and another of sweet pomegranates, and add their juice to two ratls of sugar, cook all this until it takes the consistency of syrup, and keep until needed.

Essentially, take equal numbers of sour and sweet pomegranates and squeeze the juice from them. Add this juice to two parts sugar (for each part juice) and cook until thick. Some tips I found while researching this drink is that you should not use the syrup for several months, so set it aside once done. Also, avoid the skins while pressing the fruit for juice.

Spiced Pomegranate Drink

Adapted from Anonymous. _An Anonymous Andalusian Cookbook of the 13th Century. A Complete Translation by Charles Perry of the Arabic Edition of Ambrosio Huici Miranda with the assistance of an English Translation by Elise Flemming, Stephen Bloch, Habib ibn Al-Andalusi and Janet Hinson of the Spanish Translation by Ambrosio Huici Miranda._ ©1992 by Charles Perry. Reprinted in A Collection of Medieval and Renaissance Cookery Books by Friedman, David (Sir Cariadoc of the Bow) Published privately. Page A-74

And also from Maimonides, Moses (1135-1204 CE). _Maqalah Fi Bayan Ba'D Al-A'Rad Wa-A;-Jawab 'Anha Ma'Amar Ha-Hakra'Ah_. edited and translated by Leibowitz, JO and Marcus, S. _Moses Maimonides on the Causes and Symptoms (Maqalah Fi Bayan Ba'D Al-A'Rad Wa-A;-Jawab 'Anha Ma'Amar Ha-Hakra'Ah [and] De Causis Accidentium)_ Published by University of California Press, Berkeley, CA. 1974. ISBN 0-520-02224-6 LCCCN 71-187873 page 139

...then leave the bath and partake of a brew prepared with pomegranate seeds, sugar, many spices, and a touch of hot spices like clove and mace, or a syrup of rose or sorrel, with water of oxtongue,...

1 quart of Pomegranate juice

4 cups white sugar (or honey)

Possible additions include: clove, mace, borage, mint, citron leaves,

spikenard, lemon peel, and canel or cinnamon.

Warm the pomegranate juice over medium heat. Add the sugar, stirring to dissolve completely. Keep the mixture at a simmer for about 2 hours, stirring occasionally. When it is suitably thickened, allow to cool before bottling. Dilute about one part syrup to five parts water. The resulting drink will be more brownish than the original red of pomegranate. The Tacinum Sanitatis recommends eating sour pomegranates with honey to neutralize the dangers to health, so use the honey recipe if you want to replicate European diets.

Cold Almond Milk

Adapted from _An Ordinance Of Pottage: An Edition of the Fifteenth Century Culinary Recipes in Yale University's MS Beinecke 163_. Edited by Constance Hieatt.

1 cup water

1/2 cup sugar or clarified honey

1/2 teaspoon salt

1/2 cup blanched finely ground almonds

1/8 cup wine (use vinegar, pomegranate juice or omit for completely non-alcoholic beverage)

toasted bread

Place one cup of water into a sauce pan and bring to a boil over medium heat. Add sugar (or honey) and salt. Stir quickly so the sugar (or honey) dissolves without burning. When dissolved, remove from heat and allow to cool. Add finely ground almonds to the sugar water and mix. Add wine and mix again. Toast bread, then brush it with a little wine and allow the bread to dry. Serve cool with toast.

The Recipe for Making a Syrup of Julep

From the 13th c. Andalusian cookbook:

Take five ratls of aromatic rosewater, and two and a half of sugar, cook all this until it takes the consistency of syrups. Drink two ûqiyas of this with three of hot water. Its benefits: in phlegmatic fever; it fortifies the stomach and the liver, profits at the onset of dropsy, purifies and lightens the body, and in this it is most extraordinary, God willing.

Syrup of Fresh Roses, and the Recipe for Making It
From the 13th c. Andalusian cookbook:

Take a ratl of fresh roses, after removing the dirt from them, and cover them with boiled water for a day and a night, until the water cools and the roses fall apart in the water. Clean it and take the clean part of it and add to a ratl of sugar. Cook all this until it takes the form of a syrup. Drink an ûqiya of this with two of hot water; its benefits are at the onset of dropsy, and it fortifies the stomach and the liver and the other

internal organs, and lightens the constitution; in this it is admirable.

A Recipe for Making It by Repetition

From the 13th c. Andalusian cookbook:

Take the same, a ratl of roses or more, and place it in water to cover it, boiling for a day and a night. Then take out the roses that are in the water and throw them away, and go with the same quantity of fresh roses,

which are to be covered likewise with this water, after boiling it a second time, and leave this also a day and a night. Throw away these roses likewise, and put in others and treat them as before, and continue doing this for ten days or more. Its benefit and the strength of its making are solely in the manner of repeating. Then clarify the water of roses and add to it as much sugar, and cook it until it takes the form of a syrup. It reaches the limit in thinning and moistening the constitution, God willing.

Syrup of Dried Roses

Take a ratl of dried roses, and cover with three ratls of boiling water, for a night, and leave it until they fall apart in the water. Press it and clarify it, take the clear part and add it to two ratls of white sugar, and cook all this until it is in the form of a syrup. Drink an ûqiya and a half of this with three of water. Its benefits: it binds the constitution, and benefits at the start of dropsy, fortifies the other internal organs, and provokes the appetite, God willing.

Сообщение отредактировал Griet - 5.10.2011, 10:10

To recreate the medieval period without compromise.(с)The Company of St. George
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сообщение 4.3.2008, 20:23
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Ещё один рецепт гипокраса, с переводом на английский язык:

Сообщение отредактировал Griet - 5.10.2011, 10:08

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сообщение 13.6.2008, 23:07
Сообщение #4


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Griet, sage так же значит полынь. Так что же вернее использовать в рецепте: шалфей или полынь?

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сообщение 14.6.2008, 9:28
Сообщение #5


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г.Троицк, Красная Пахра, Москва.
Военно-историческая группа (XV):
Рота Св.Фомы

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По травнику выглядит вот так


Полынная вода - скорее всего очень горькая.Но как вариант, возможно и из полыни.Другое дело какого вида?

Сообщение отредактировал Griet - 5.10.2011, 10:08

To recreate the medieval period without compromise.(с)The Company of St. George
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сообщение 14.6.2008, 11:19
Сообщение #6


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Просто если использовать эстрагон - тоже сорт полыни, то должно получиться что-то типа тархуна. Эстрагон могли обозначать словом sage или использовали другое название?

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сообщение 13.8.2008, 20:52
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sage по-моему все-таки - это шалфей. Из полыни можно сделать абсент:)

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