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Welcome! The Forum is proud to announce its long-awaited English version, which will allow the communicating to academics and buffs alike on all matters related to the civil and military history, re-enacting, toy soldiers making and collecting, books discussion and much more! Being a “little brother” of one of the world renowned www.napoleonic-series.org., the English section of the Russian Forum will continue its long established traditions by bringing together various proposals, ideas and controversial points of views. We offer the following rubrics (subsections):

History: all aspects, including archival and museum work

First, to be able to use the our Forum, please set up a profile, which must contain your real name and a valid e-mail address

Next, consider our rules; but they are simple. Please be inclusive – try to convey your topic in a way equally understandable for both a schoolboy and a college professor. When posting a picture, text or a web-link - always include your source, wherever applicable. Be professional – speak of the topic, critique opponent’s opinion but not the opponent himself. Be patient – because of the time difference, allow some extra time for an answer. You should post in English or – if some of you would like to practice his/her Russian – we will be glad to help your practice!

So, start posting – make yourself at home!

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> Conference: on the 100th Anniversary of the WWI
сообщение 16.5.2014, 19:50
Сообщение #1


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Tallahassee, Florida

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Call for Papers: International Conference on the 100th Anniversary of the First World War: The War and the World from 1914 to 1918. St. Petersburg, Russia 4-6 December, 2014

Sponsors: St. Petersburg State University, the Russian State Herzen Pedagogical University, the Fund “European Heritage”, and the Saint Petersburg City Government’s Committee on Research and Higher Education

Conf. Languages: Russian and English

Note: The sponsors will undertake the cost of conference housing for those foreign participants selected to participate. All participants are responsible for their own transportation/air fare to the conference.

The conference organizing committee hopes to focus its attention on the following groups of problems:

- International relations before and during the years of the war

- The armed forces, the political systems, and the economies from 1914 to 1918

- The Great War and revolutions

- War and society

- Russian and world culture amid the war

- The First World War and historical memory

If you would like to participate then we ask that you inform the conference’s organizing committee by 15 June 2014. Please send your name, title, affiliation, e-mail address, and the title of your proposed paper to both of the following e-mail addresses (and indicate whether or not your need visa support at the same time): ludmilar@mail.ru / igerm@yandex.ru.

Some of the conference’s papers will be published in a separate volume after the conference and in a special edition of the journal Modern History of Russia (http://www.modernhistory.ru/main_en.htm).

"A real scholar's education is greatly improved by traveling in quest of knowledge and challenging the most wise men of his times." Ibn Khaldun
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История (XVIII)
Реконструкция (XVIII)
XIX век
История (Наполеоновские войны, 1789-1815)
Реконструкция (XIX)
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Жалобная книга
История (остальной XIX век)
Галерея (XVIII)
Галерея (XIX)
Тихое место
Фотоконкурс. Жюри.
Редколлегия журнала "Реконструктор"
Рекрутское депо
Магазины в городах и странах
ВИ миниатюра
Этот день в истории
XVII век
Гражданская реконструкция XVII-XVIII-XIX вв.
Конюшня XVII-XVIII-XIX вв.
Реконструкция (XVII)
История (XVII)
Галерея (XVII)
Анонсы книжных новинок: военная история XVI-XIX вв.
Военно-историческая периодика
Гусарсккие посиделки 8-)
XV век
Архив 15, не трогать.
История (XV)
Ливинг-хистори проект
Помойка для Дениса
Реконструкция (XV)
Галерея (XV)
Средневековый быт
Развлечения в Средние века
Доспехи и вооружение
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Средневековая кухня
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Живая История военных действий
Оркомитет ПК
Север-Юг и Дикий Запад
Настольные игры
Орденский кирасирский полк
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Часть 2.
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