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Welcome! The Forum is proud to announce its long-awaited English version, which will allow the communicating to academics and buffs alike on all matters related to the civil and military history, re-enacting, toy soldiers making and collecting, books discussion and much more! Being a “little brother” of one of the world renowned www.napoleonic-series.org., the English section of the Russian Forum will continue its long established traditions by bringing together various proposals, ideas and controversial points of views. We offer the following rubrics (subsections):

Books review and publications: what’s new on the market and whether we should read it.

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сообщение 13.12.2016, 17:15
Сообщение #1


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Military manuals have been used as a source through a range of historical studies, but only recently has their potential to Conflict Archaeology truly been recognised. Military manuals allowed the progression of the Military Revolution from the informed amateur towards the scientific, mathematical choreography for massed troops at the height of the Military Revolution, and their use as a viable historical resource often taken at face value - negating their worth. Using correlated GIS, landscape archaeology, metal detecting, military knowledge and experimental archaeology, we might understand more fully the limitations and strengths drill books provide us. Like a dance, military theory provides a certain number of ways individuals may progress through a landscape. Using examples taken from recent investigations at sites such as Edgehill, Lutzen and Lostwithiel, this paper shall examine to what extent individual drill can be identified in the archaeological record. This publication hopes to prove to what level and extent this can be applied to predictive modelling of artefact collections on battlefields - thus providing depth to the archaeological study of fields of conflict. Like investigations on the Little Bighorn battlefield, through use of wear analysis of the material remains of conflict, we can effectively tell the nuances of individual drill, practice and movement of people across a landscape; their drill actively mirroring subtleties in our understanding of interpretation. Taking the works of such writers and artists as Bariffe, de Gheyn and Ward, the author attempts to actively break down how individual and group drill will leave material remains and the archaeological means these might be taken down, but equally, this work also attempts to investigate and breach the subject of whether such manuals can also be used to dictate the survivability of 17th century fortifications - often within urban landscapes devoid of their civil war origins, as can be seen at Alton and Basing House. Theoretical in its nature and utilising and combining elements of research not previously collaborated, The Arte Militaire is unique in not merely showing how military manuals were used, but rather how they can still be seen within the historical landscape.


Сообщение отредактировал Eman - 13.12.2016, 17:16

"A real scholar's education is greatly improved by traveling in quest of knowledge and challenging the most wise men of his times." Ibn Khaldun
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Eman   THE ARTE MILITAIRE.   13.12.2016, 17:15

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